Monday, August 1, 2011

6-7 March 1999 Quiet Weekend Together

It snowed on Saturday so I decided to stay in because I hear it is a stand still here when it happens. They don't know what to do and have no equipment to deal with snow or ice. As you walk the streets in London, I did notice sand boxes or grit boxes, this is for those "icy" days.

Its a light snow, an inch or less. What we call, a dusting.  Its pretty but certainly shouldn't shut down anything.  Because it was cooler outside than in the apt and we had no refrigerator, we kept the soda on the ledge outside the window.  As far as we know, nothing fell or injured anyone.

On Sunday, it rained so once again, we stayed in. It's too nasty to get out and do running around to sight see.

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