Monday, August 1, 2011

11 March 1999 Cardiff, Wales

The train didn't go to Caemarfon to see its castle, so I went to Cardiff. To get to Caernarfon Castle requires a bus to get to, but Cardiff Castle, easily reached by train and by foot. It took about 3 hours by train to get there from Coventry. It rained before I got there cause it was wet on the pavement. The tour guide said that the 3rd Marquess of  Bute had employed architect William Burgess to create an ornate mansion rich in medieval images and romantic detailing. Being the first born of 18 illegitimate children, he could not become king. But being very rich and very powerful, he had the power to decide and influence who would be king.

Cardiff Castle (newer part)
This was a magnificent place, very ornate with marbles, lapis, beautifully carved woods with 24K gold throughout the house. He was a very religious man as you can see with the marital room and the nursery with children's fairy tales on the wall with morals behind the stories. The family dining room had a biblical tale on the fireplace and stained glass windows with saints. He also loved nature, so you will see animals in the artwork and carvings in the house. There was a roof top garden which was enclosed created for the kids to play in. If you stand outside and look at the castle, it appears each section is made differently. Something how you would imagine a medieval castle to look.
Cardiff Castle (original part)

In the center of the property, you will find the old castle tower flying the Welsh flag and a lot of stairs to climb. There's some of the old Roman wall still standing.

The castle is only a short distance from the train station.

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